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This tool is for educational and research purposes only. The creators of this tool are not responsible for any misuse.


This tool is a frontend wordlist generator that allows you to generate wordlists to be used in Dictionary Attacks based on publicly available information on a target. (i.e. potential passwords)

The aim of this tool is to assist cybersecurity proffessionals but to also raise awareness on the predictability of passwords used by the average user.

Collected Data

We do not collect any data related to the target information or the generated wordlists.

All the logic related to the wordlist generation runs locally on your browser, meaning the data does not leave your device.

Maximum Privacy Version

If you're worried about your privacy while using the tool, you can use our offline build version which can be run without any internet connectivity. It is the same as this version but with Google Analytics and Newsletter forms removed.

Full Privacy Version (Offline Version)

Quick StartHow to try the tool quickly without going into details
Concepts OverviewConcepts and terminology explained very briefly
Language ProfilesWhat are language profiles and how to use them
Permutations & OptionalsDeep dive into how to use permutations and optionals
GroupsHow to use groups for advanced permutation results without exploding the number of words
Basic String OptionsExplaining simple options available for all string fields
Replace With SpecialSetting up character replacement candidates and variations
Shortened FieldsString shortening explained, and how it attempts to mimick human thinking
Date VariationsHow to create advanced variations based on date field inputs
Special Chars & NumbersHow and what does it mean to include numbers and special characters